We setup Corporate Email
Accounts & Management

We are experienced in email account creation and setup. We integrate your accounts to Gmail and Outlook to allow you manage all your emails in one location and more efficiently.

Project you professionalism with a corporate email account that your customers can identify you with and earn customer trust.


Corporate email account are those that use your company's domain name, like Since they resonate with your business, your customers will be able to easily identify you. Thus having addresses like these help establish your identity and enhance credibility with your customers.

In the world of business communication, emails are inevitable, trustworthy and legal. It is important that you send business-critical communications only via email. It not only provides valid proof for communication but also ensures the required security and privacy of the crucial information that is being delivered.

You will use your DNS Manager to map your domain with your email provider, using the MX records recommended by your email provider and that is where we come in to help you host your email account.

Why do you need a business email address?

Though the primary reason for having a business email address is to help your customers identify you, there are many others that can be added to the list. A business email address helps you:

  • Project your professionalism

    Having an email address that matches your brand shows that you’re serious and professional about your business. This way, your business will also be taken seriously by your customers, as they are most likely to choose and trust a business with professional email address. 

  • Show your authenticity and earn customer trust

    When you or your employees send emails using an address that includes your business name, your customers can know for sure that the email is from an authentic source. They will identify you even before opening your content. This will help them build their trust with you and give them the confidence to reply to your emails or contact your support team. 

  • Promote your brand 

    With your business’ name in your email address, you are promoting your brand with every email you send. This way you’re sure to stay in their memory for a long time. 

  • Be consistent

    When you create individual and group email addresses with your domain, you make sure that every email that goes out has a standard format and thus maintain consistency. 

  • Keep away from getting spammed 

    When customers recognize you by your brand name, they are less likely to mark you as spam. If you use generic email accounts, your emails might not receive the recognition they deserve and end up being spammed.   

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